

  • Two college-level umpires are required to officiate at each League game.  A college umpire is defined as someone who does four-year college games in the spring. 
  • Each home team will arrange to have umpires present for scheduled games and are responsible for canceling umpires if the game is canceled or postponed.  
  • Failure of a home team to provide umpires (barring the occurrence of emergencies) shall be deemed a forfeited game and a win granted to the visiting team.
  • Three umpires are required for play-off games, the championship game, and the All-Star game.  MLB mound rules will apply in all games.


  • Require strict observance of all rules governing implements of play and equipment of players;
  • Be sure that all playing lines are marked with lime, chalk or other white material easily distinguishable from the ground or grass;
  • Receive from the home club a supply of regulation baseballs, the number and make to be certified to the home club by the League President.  The umpire shall inspect the baseballs and ensure they are regulation baseballs and that they are properly rubbed so that the gloss is removed. The umpire shall be the sole judge of the fitness of the balls to be used in the game;
  • Be assured by the home club that at least one dozen regulation reserve balls are immediately available for use if required;
  • Have in his possession at least two alternate balls and shall require replenishment of such supply of alternate balls as needed throughout the game. Such alternate balls shall be put in play when:
  • A ball has been batted out of the playing field or into the spectator area;
  • A ball has become discolored or unfit for further use;
  • The pitcher requests such alternate ball.


Three umpires are required for playoff games, the championship game, and the All-Star game. MLB mound rules will apply in all games.