Social Media Policy


This policy provides guidelines for responsible social media use by players participating in the Hamptons Collegiate Baseball League. It is designed to protect the league’s image and integrity and the players’ personal and professional reputation.


This policy applies to all players, coaches, and staff associated with the Hamptons Collegiate Baseball League.

Policy Guidelines:

  1. Be Respectful: Always be respectful and professional in your posts. Avoid posting offensive, derogatory, or inflammatory content. Please respect the privacy of others and do not share personal information about teammates, coaches, opponents, or league officials without their consent.
  2. Represent the League Positively: Remember that you represent yourself and the Hamptons Collegiate Baseball League. Your actions and words should positively reflect the values and spirit of the league.
  3. Avoid Controversial Topics: Steer clear of engaging in or posting about controversial or sensitive topics such as politics, religion, and race. Focus on baseball and positive experiences associated with the league.
  4. No Bullying or Harassment: Cyberbullying and online harassment are strictly prohibited. This includes posting rumors, threats, or derogatory comments about others.
  5. Compliance with NCAA Rules: Be mindful of NCAA rules regarding endorsements and amateur status. Do not post content that could jeopardize your amateur status or compliance with NCAA regulations.
  6. Confidentiality: Do not share confidential information about the league, its operations, team strategies, player health status, or any information considered to be proprietary or sensitive.
  7. Use of Images and Videos: Exercise caution when posting images or videos. Obtain necessary permissions if the content includes other individuals or copyrighted material.
  8. Accountability: You are personally responsible for your content. Social media platforms are public spaces, and your posts can have lasting consequences.
  9. Report Inappropriate Content: If you encounter any posts or interactions that violate this policy or league standards, report them to league officials immediately.


Violation of this social media policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to warnings, suspension, or expulsion from the league.

Review and Acknowledgment

All league participants must review and acknowledge their understanding of this social media policy.

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