Player Injury

Every player is required to have their own primary medical insurance coverage. We ask players to carry their insurance card with them at all times. Most players will keep their insurance card in their equipment bag during games. If a player needs emergency medical care, they must present their insurance card at the time of treatment. HCBL has secondary insurance that is used to cover expenses not cover by the players’ primary insurance and for game-related injuries.

In case of serious injury or illness on the field, immediately call 9-1-1. Do not move a seriously injured person unless they are in further danger. Give your name, describe the nature of the problem and the location of the victim. If the injury is very seruious, or the player can not walk,  

Quickly perform these four steps:

  1. Determine welfare of victim by asking, “Are you okay,” and “What is wrong?”
  2. If victim is unconscious, check pulse and breathing and give CPR or artificial respiration if necessary.
  3. Control serious bleeding by direct pressure and elevation of the wound.
  4. Keep victim still and comfortable; have them lie down if necessary.

For minor injuries or minor medical urgencies, players should visit one of the area’s walk-in clinics if the injury or illness is minor but medical care is required. Players should check first if the treatment facility accepts their medical insurance.

In the event of a serious injury that requires immediate medical treatment, the General Manager, team representative or host parent must:

  • Accompany the player to the medical treatment facility. 
  • Notify the player’s family as soon as possible, then notify the Front Office.
  • Complete the Notification of Injury Report (see next page). 

If the host family is not present when the injury occurs, the General Manager must notify them as well.