Player Housing

Host Families will be expected to provide:

  • A clean, safe, smoke-free environment, including a bedroom for the player staying with them.
  • Reasonable use of bathroom and laundry facilities.
  • Access to the kitchen for players wishing to fix a meal, and supply meals when possible.

Players will be expected to:

  • Interact with their host family, especially the children.
  • Keep the bedroom and bathroom in a clean orderly fashion.
  • Be held responsible for any household damages they cause.
  • Provide their own health and personal care items.
  • Be courteous and helpful to the host family.
  • Refrain from the use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs.
  • Follow curfew policy.
  • Minimize the noise level of activities, including coming and going, so as not to unduly disturb the host family.
  • Pay for personal expenses.
  • Use cell phone for long-distance calls or use a pre-purchased calling card.

All host family/player relationships differ from player to player. Each player should sit down with their host family within a few days of arrival to discuss the following issues:

  • Arrangements regarding food needs other than the meals the host family provides.
  • How to handle late night arrivals (i.e. use of back doors, late night showers, etc.) from games.
  • Guidelines relating to having friends or family members over to host family’s home, including friends spending the night (also guidelines on female guests) and meals for guests. Some host families do not mind this, while others do.
  • Laundering uniforms.
  • Particular rules for times when the host family is out of town.
  • Any other issue of importance to either the player or the host family.

Players should always ask their host family if they are unsure about something. It will take a few days to get to know each other, and it’s better to ask than not to know.

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