Player Housing

Sleepovers and Guests

Players are not allowed to have another team member sleep over under any circumstances without prior permission from the team General Manager.

It is important that players respect their host families rules. They should not bring home one of their teammates or friends without prior permission from the host families. Host should be sensitive to other families trying to bond with their player. Host families should check with the other family before you invite your player’s teammate for dinner or out on the off day.

We request that families only house their player but the decision is ultimately theirs. The players all talk to one another and it can make it difficult for other host families if they do not have the space in their home to take in a player’s girlfriend or family. We can provide a list of local B&B and motels.


Players are encouraged to work a part time job in the community, it is not required. Host families are not responsible for transporting their player to and from work. Some of the jobs this summer will be at one of our clinics or performing field maintenance.

Community Service

All players are required to perform community service during their stay. .


The players have a curfew, weeknights Midnight, weekends 1:00 am. Exceptions will be made for team gatherings under the supervision of a Host Family or the coaches. This must be approved by the General Manager prior to the gathering.

If a player is not coming in at or around curfew we need to know about it. It is disrespectful to the host family and nothing good happens after midnight. Communication between team officials and host families is very important so that issues can be addressed quickly.

Health Club

All players may be provided with access to one of several fitness centers in the area. Most players work out daily, usually before being due at the field. Players should try to work out in small groups to avoid over-crowding the fitness centers.