Player Code of Conduct

This document is designed to guide you in managing the student-athletes participating this year.

This document outlines HCBL’s expectations and the due process for addressing serious violations. As league officials, it’s crucial to understand that any conduct harming the reputation of a franchise or HCBL is unacceptable. Both the team and league will review any incidents and take necessary actions.

Key areas of focus include:

Personal Conduct: Players serve as role models within the community. It’s imperative that they uphold HCBL’s values and exhibit professionalism. A critical aspect is respecting and fostering positive relationships with host families, as per HCBL’s golden rule: “Honor thy Host Family.” Failure to adhere to these standards will result in severe consequences, including notifying the player’s parents and coaches.

Tobacco Use: All tobacco products and imitations are banned at ball field locations, in line with NCCA regulations for NCAA-sanctioned summer leagues. This rule is applicable to players and personnel in uniform.

Alcohol Consumption: Adherence to New York’s legal drinking age (21) is mandatory. Violations by team members or interns will lead to immediate suspension and potential further action after a hearing. Uniformed personnel must refrain from alcohol consumption and purchase in all situations.

Illegal Drugs and Controlled Substances: The sale or use of these substances by players is strictly prohibited. Confirmed violations result in immediate expulsion at the individual’s expense.

Steroids and Performance-Enhancing Drugs: HCBL supports NCAA policies in this regard and will participate in the NCAA summer drug testing program.

Internet and Electronic Media Use: Caution is advised regarding social media engagement. Any online behavior causing embarrassment to HCBL or its franchises can lead to severe disciplinary actions, including suspension or expulsion. It’s recommended to limit social media use during the season.

Criminal Actions: Arrested players will face suspension for fact-finding before any further decisions are made. Relevant parties, including parents and college coaches/advisors, will be informed.

Civil Law Violations: Offenses like firearm possession, motor vehicle offenses, and violations of sexual laws, among others, attract serious consequences post-review by the appropriate authorities.

This policy highlights our commitment to maintaining a high standard of conduct. Please review it thoroughly and direct any queries to your General Manager, Field Manager, host family, or an HCBL official. HCBL adopts a zero-tolerance stance on these matters; clarity on these issues is essential for all involved.

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