General Manager Responsibilities

Appointment to the position of General Manager of an HCBL team must be approved by the HCBL Executive Committee. 

General Managers are responsible for finances, records maintenance and promotion/publicity for their teams, including:

Games administration, including ascertaining home field dates available for game schedules, home field facilities and equipment and team uniforms for players and coaches according to League standards. Uniforms should be professional quality.  Accessories should, whenever possible, match the team’s colors.

Ensure that all games must start promptly. Game team rosters must be available for scouts and fans and must be staffed for scoring, for tickets and for announcing where feasible.

Official scoring of home games, confirmation of official scores of away games and assuring timely notice of canceled games to opponents, umpires and League officials.

Prompt reporting of game results to appropriate media outlets and prompt relay of game file to League website.

Publicity for team clinics, player/manager/coach speaking engagements, promotion of photos or feature stories and solicitation of media coverage.

Raise funds equivalent to 50% of the team’s yearly operating expenses.

Handling business and travel details of all games.

Publishing schedules of team games and all League activities.

Arranging for make-up dates of rained out or suspended games and publishing dates of schedule changes.

Providing visiting teams with written pre-game practice schedules and directions.  Pre-game practice for visiting teams:

One hour before game time batting practice

Twenty minutes before game time infield/outfield drills

Ten minutes before game time home plate conference with umpires

Arranging for treatment of players injured during games and filing insurance claim forms promptly.

Submitting budget, financial to the Executive Committee if required including all receipts, expenditures and balances shown.

Providing each player on the roster at the start of the season (or added to the roster during the season) with the team’s complete schedule (including play-off dates), obtaining NACSB Letters of Commitment signed by both the player and the Athletic Director (or his/her official representative) and obtain written releases for players entering our LEAGUE from another summer league. 

Conduct a Players’ Orientation Meeting at the start of the season to review players’ roles and responsibilities.

Recruit host families that will provide clean and safe housing for all players and coaches that require housing.

Establish relationships with local food establishments for post game meals for visiting teams. 

Coordinate player family visits — assist with hotels, restaurants and attractions. This includes major league scouts.

Recruit, train and supervise interns for game day responsibilities.

Establish a carpool system for all players so that the minimum number of cars are parked at field.