Disputes & Protests

Any discrepancies or plays in question must be resolved between the two teams.  Both teams must agree upon any changes to a game already in the system before reporting changes to the website. The home team will report the change to the website.

Penalties For Administrative Omissions

To fulfill our commitments to our Board of Directors, the players, the NCAA, and Major League Baseball, the League requires team administrators to file statistical, roster, and financial reports in a timely fashion. Persistent lateness or non-submission may result in the suspension of a team or its administrator(s).


A manager who wishes to play a game under protest must announce his intention to the umpire in charge at the point of protest and before the next official pitch. The umpire will relay the decision to the opposing coach, the official scorer to record the time and place it on the score sheet, the announcer, and the fans.

The written report of the protesting manager must be transmitted to the President within 48 hours of the protest, or it will be automatically disallowed. Upon receipt within the proper time, the Executive Committee will consider it at the first opportunity. The Commissioner (or designee) shall make every reasonable attempt to communicate with both umpires. The decision of the Executive Committee will be final and transmitted promptly to all League and team personnel.

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