First Aid Instructions

Mouth to Mouth Rescue Breathing:

  • Place victim on side and remove foreign matter from mouth with finger.
  • Place victim on back. 
  • Tilt victim’s head back to open airway. 
  • Close victim’s nostrils with fingers. Exhale until victim’s chest expands. Repeat every 1-2 seconds after chest deflates. 
  • Keep trying until help arrives. 
  • If unable to give breath, check victim for airway obstruction

Severe Bleeding and Wounds:

  • Apply direct pressure on wound.
  • Use clean cloth or hand.
  • Elevate body part.
  • Apply pressure to blood vessel if necessary. Add more cloth if blood soaks through. Never remove bandage once applied.
  • Keep pressure on wound until help arrives.

Fainting, Unconsciousness and Shock:

  • Have victim lie down and rest.
  • Keep victim comfortable, not hot or cold.
  • Place victim on side if unconscious.
  • Ask or look for emergency medical I.D. and provide to emergency medical personnel.
  • Treat other injuries as necessary.

Fractures and Sprains:

  • Keep the victim still.
  • Keep injured area immobile.
  • Choking and Airway Obstruction:
  • If victim is coughing, or able to speak, stand by and allow victim to cough object up.
  • If unconscious, check victim’s mouth and clear of foreign matter.
  • Give abdominal thrusts (Heimlich Maneuver).
  • Continue thrusts until airway cleared.