Concussion Policy

Concussion Management Steps

  1. Before the start of the season all teams must Identify a point-person to handle all concussion cases.
  2. The point-person should have good organizational skills. It is suggested that the point person be the General Manager. 
  3. Training will be offered on a seasonal schedule and all General Manager, Point Persons and coaches will require training. The training will be performed by physicians working in conjunction with The LEAGUE.
  4. All HCBL coaches will be educated to administer the SAC (Standardized Assessment of Concussion) to an player suspected of concussion.
  5. The General Manager or the point person at each school must maintain an active record of all head injuries and concussions sustained by their players. This form additionally must be copied and delivered to the medical office to keep on file with the player’s medical records. 

If a player has a suspected head injury/concussion, follow these steps

  1. The coach will identify the player suspected of sustaining a concussion and escort that player off the field.
  2. The player will NOT BE ALLOWED to return to athletic activity for not less than 24 hours and until written medical clearance is received from a licensed physician.
  3. The SAC must be completed immediately after the injury to help assess the severity of the head injury. Note that even if a player gets a perfect score (30) on the SAC, he is still not allowed to return to athletic activity for not less than 24 hours and until written medical clearance is received from a licensed physician. 
  4. The point-person will fill out the Concussion Assessment Form.
  5. The point-person will attach the SAC to the Concussion Assessment Form.
  6. The point-person must record the incident in their active records for students. A copy of the SAC and the Concussion Assessment Form must be maintained in the player’s file.
  7. The Concussion Assessment Form is given to the player or family member so that a licensed physician may complete it.
  8. If the point-person is NOT the General Manager then the General Manager must be notified of the incident.
  9. Any player with a suspected concussion will NOT BE ALLOWED to return to athletic activity for not less than 24 hours and until written medical clearance is received from a licensed physician. Athletic activities include but are not limited to practices, games, team meetings, and any other team related activities.
  10. In order for a player to return to athletic activity, he must obtain medical clearance from a licensed physician, as documented on the Concussion Assessment Form.