Post Game Meals

Post-game meals are provided to the visiting team for their bus ride home. The home team provides meals and beverages to all visiting players and coaches. Plan on feeding 28-30 people. There will be a minimum of 18 home games (not including the playoffs) for each team, so you will need food sponsors to donate meals for every home game.

Each team is responsible for getting at least four food sponsors to donate post game meals. In addition to deli’s, pizzerias make excellent sponsors because they can easily prepare meals for a large group on short notice.

Each food sponsor will receive the following:

  • On Field Signage – 3’ x 8’ Banner on home field
  • Listing on Food Sponsor Page in Yearbook
  • Game Day Announcements
  • Recommend their establishment to players, visiting families and scouts


Each team is responsible for providing their own players and coaches with a meal/snack in between games of the doubleheader. In most cases, teams have volunteers prepare the meal/snack, which usually consists of a sandwich (turkey or ham), fruit, and a bottle of water.


You will need seven to eight pizza pies to feed all visiting players and coaches.

Have delis supply a sandwich, bag of chips and small bottle of water.

Set up a calendar for the rotation of food sponsors. Provide each sponsor with a copy of the calendar. Food sponsors appreciate as much advanced notice as possible.

Make sure that the meal is on the visiting team’s bus, PRIOR to their boarding after the game.

Invite food sponsors to participate in game day activities like throwing out the first pitch.

Encourage players to patronize your food sponsors and make sure they thank them for their support.

Some of the teams will have post game barbecues for both the home and visiting team. It is important to have food ready for the visiting team to take on the bus.

On hot days, players can become dehydrated. Make sure that you have sports drinks on hand to replenish players’ lost fluids.

Make sure that all trash is removed from field amd surrounding area.