Manager and Coach Responsibilities

Full charge of team members when on the field and when traveling to and from games and practices.

Making it clear that players are expected to concentrate on baseball during the season. Jobs and social events are a normal part of everyday life but should not interfere with baseball development. Players should obtain jobs that allow full HCBL team participation.

Acknowledging all player applications. If tryouts are held, all applicants must be invited to participate. The League and team are committed for the season to players selected.  Players must sign a contract form and have permission of their Athletic Director (or that of the Athletic Director’s official representative). They are expected to remain with the League through the full season, including playoffs scheduled prior to the NCAA cutoff date.

Organizing practice and pre-game drills. This is a teaching situation – a developmental league. Post game reviews should include constructive information.

Assuring that all players and coaches on the field meet the uniform, equipment and grooming standards of the League. Players may not dress on the field or appear in incomplete uniform on the field. Players must wear their uniform or BP jersey that has their number on the back when participating in batting practice and infield/outfield drills.

Insisting that players hustle at all times – so that all-out hustle becomes a habit.

Assuring the presence of players and coaches at all games and practices. Granting days off to individuals can hurt morale and players’ physical conditioning.

Monitoring compliance with rules regarding tobacco use and food at games and maintaining control of players’ relations with opponents, fans and umpires. Bad or abusive language, brawling, baiting opponents and extended arguments with umpires will not be tolerated.  With regard to tobacco use, if a player is ejected for use of tobacco, the field manager will also be ejected.

Affording full cooperation to all professional scouts in attendance at games.

Line-up cards should be available to them at least a half-hour before game time.

Coaches or Managers Ejections:

  1. First Ejection no penalty
  2. Second Ejection suspension for next game
  3. Third Ejection suspension for next three games
  4. Fourth Ejection indefinite suspension with reinstatement only after full investigation by the League President. 

Any case deemed serious by the League President will cause indefinite suspension pending full investigation by the President and concurrence of the Executive Committee.  All ejections must be reported to the President following the game in which it occurred.