Game Schedule

Any team that fails to play its assigned game schedule may be denied the privilege of post-season play. The General Manager for each member team is responsible for the fulfillment of the schedule. The Executive Committee will review forfeitures.

Single Games

All single games shall be nine innings; each team shall try to schedule at least eight single home games each season. 


It will consist of two seven-inning games. Games tied after seven innings will play one additional inning; if the game remains tied, the game will end in a draw, and each team will be awarded one point.

Extra Inning (Tied Games)

Games tied after nine innings (single game) or seven innings (doubleheader) will play one additional inning; if the game remains tied, the game will end in a draw, and each team will be awarded one point.

Postponements, Cancellations, Suspended Games

If conditions prevent a game from being played as scheduled. In that case, the home team manager must notify the visiting team’s manager or General Manager as early as possible to prevent the visiting team from making a trip in vain. If there is a potential weather problem, the visiting team should not start its trip without telephone assurance by the home team that the game may be played. If needed, the visiting team should make a second verifying call during the trip.

If a game is canceled or moved to an alternate field. In that case, the home team must notify the assigned umpires and scouts who regularly attend games and the President and must post a notice at the home field indicating any rescheduling information for the benefit of those who may seek to attend the game.

Postponed games or games stopped before becoming official will be rescheduled by the home team within 48 hours. Games should be rescheduled at the next mutually open date with field availability. If both teams cannot agree within 48 hours on a rescheduled date, the President will resolve the play date, and a neutral site can be assigned.

A game in progress can be stopped before completion as scheduled only by decision of the umpire-in-charge or by curfew. All HCBL games scheduled for seven and nine innings are considered officially completed games if stopped after five innings have been played.

A game stopped before it becomes official will be deemed suspended and resumed at the point of suspension and completed as initially scheduled (seven or nine innings) unless otherwise directed by the President. A nine-inning game rescheduled as part of a doubleheader will become a seven-inning game. All such suspended games must be scheduled by the home team at the earliest possible date and completed during the season.

No inning shall begin after 11:00 PM unless a waiver has been obtained from the President  prior to the game. Local law may establish an earlier curfew. If local law permits, curfew may be extended so the game reaches official completion. No new innings may begin after 11:00 PM in a game that has become official.

No regular season or playoff game may be played before June 1st or after August 15th.  The League schedule will be issued by the President prior to the start of the season.